Every term at Young at Art we teach our students tried and tested skilled techniques in a variety of mediums and always encourage our students to explore their creativity.
ART ADVENTURES – *All classes are Art Adventures unless otherwise stated. Our students constantly learn colour theory, composition, tone, perspective, how to create depth in their work and learn to ‘SEE’ as an artist. In our after school art classes we create around 4-5 projects per term. We include at least one painting project and always cover a famous artist study, every term we hold a different programme. Each enrolled student’s place will roll onto the following term to ensure they do not lose their place.
Please scroll down for Current Timetable *Please note classes commence 2nd week of term and run until the end of term
For Specialist courses for Teens /Tweens please click here!
Bookings can be made by selecting your area tab and clicking the blue ‘Book now’ button next to your chosen class.
Many classes already have waiting lists so we advise contacting us with your child’s name, age and chosen class by email to: anna@youngatart.co.nz with your child’s, age and chosen class.
Term Classes, 2025
Venue addresses:
Pukekohe Home Studio, 117 Valley Road, Pukekohe (please use the side door to the garage studio) *Please do not block our or our neighbours driveways. There is plenty of parking up the hill near the tall trees or in Valley Heights Road directly opposite our house with no driveways to block. : )
If you have not previously completed, please fill in a Student Details Form and bring this along with your child to the first class.
Home Schools Classes
We currently run home school classes in Franklin. However If you are interested in Home schooling art and craft classes for your children in other areas please contact us or call us on 0297 712 923 to discuss your requirements and options available.
Holiday and Weekend Workshops
We offer a wide variety of workshops during the holidays including painting, printing, animation, clay, scrap booking, sewing and more. See our latest Holiday Workshops and Weekend Workshops programme for more details.
For bookings, joining our mailing list or for further information please contact us on:
Mob: 0297 712 923 | Email: anna@youngatart.co.nz